Greetings Las Vegas Creative Community, 

AIGA Las Vegas is postponing all in-person events until further notice. 

AIGA Las Vegas, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) business is not considered “essential” so our in-person, group activities have ceased. However, our community is essential to us. We miss you all!   

We urge everyone to follow Governor Sisolak’s 30-Day lock-down request, along with federal recommendations, to keep each of us and our community safe. Although we feel healthy and ready to go out and socialize, we know that staying in is the right thing to do. We urge everyone to take government requests and orders seriously, going out only for what is needed to survive: food, medication, medical attention, etc.  The more any of us push the limits, the longer we will all stay in lockdown. We’re all in this together; thank you in advance for continuing to take this situation seriously. 

We look forward to seeing you when this is all over, hopefully soon! Perhaps in the meantime, we can do some socializing online.  

Below you will find some resources that might be helpful to you or someone you know:

Adobe Users:
Adobe is offering users a couple of months at no cost. 
Instructions: Log in to your account and start a chat with support.  Something like “I heard Adobe was offering creatives a few months of adobe software at no cost. Is this true?” They’ll come back with “To support our customers during this difficult time, we would be happy to provide your billing for X months free.  Would the work?” Yup!

For designers working from home:
Working remotely can be very challenging, and sticking to a routine is one of the best ways to move forward. Get up and get dressed as if you’re going to work each day.  That might even mean putting makeup on.  Be disciplined. You can increase productivity by creating a prioritized to-do list and focusing your attention by decreasing distractions.  

For businesses:
You may be eligible for an SBA loan of $2,000. to $2,000,000. at a low interest rate.  This could be vital to help you to make payroll and to pay the bills. 
To learn more and to apply, click here:

Creatives in search of work: 
The links below are for temporary part-time and temporary full-time employment: 

The Creative Group (Robert Half), AIGA National Sponsor: 
Robert Half / TCG for AIGA

Creative Circle:

While TCG and Creative Circle do not have offices here in Las Vegas, they have filled many creative positions in Las Vegas over recent years. 

Artists Grants:
Facebook Small Business Grants Program
Artist grant: Click here for grant information
Supporting Creators in Need with The Creator Fund: Click here

Things you can do: 
–       Check-in with family, friends, and neighbors regularly, whether they are next door or in another country. Facetime, Skype, and Zoom are great for this. 
–       Talk openly with your spouse, family or roommates about the household financial situation. Make plans and explore options. 
–       Don’t hesitate to ask others for help, even if it’s just needing someone to talk with. We all understand this situation is challenging.  
–       Exercise: taking walks, yoga, stretching, pushups, planking, all can be great for physical and mental health. Don’t overdo it though! And dogs love extra walks! 
–       Many community groups and churches are offering live video services, which are a way to connect with nurturing communities.  Meeting your spiritual needs and hearing others speak who have challenges similar to yours can help with stress and changes.
–       Update your resume, portfolio, website, etc.  Make a list of potential clients you would like to work with in the future, or potential employers you’d like to interview with. Research companies. 
–       Enjoy the 2019 AIGA Design Conference speakers:
–       Read an actual paper book. 
–       Supplement your diet of movies and TV series with self-improvement videos:, and more are out there. 
–       Use this time to brainstorm,  to innovate, and to plan your next move. One definition of Design is “to plan.”  Plan your career path, your finances and your future. 

Together, we will get through this pandemic as a community, a nation and a planet.  Let us know if we can be of any help. We look forward to seeing you in the near future.  Until then, keep moving forward!

Your AIGA Las Vegas Board, 
Chris Johnston
Juan Beltran
Jennie Marsh
John Condemi
Amanda Farrar
Norma Jean “NJ” Ortega
Malachi Schlink
Therese Bautista
Keiaira Travis

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